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Previously on My Blog…

I have returned, blogging droogs, as promised.

As referring to this blog’s title, I have decided to talk more about my prequel saga. I mentioned in my last entry and how I promised it’ll be different from the other prequels. While most of them are hit-or-miss (especially the Hollywood ones), this series is more in the ‘hit’ category.

The prequel books, dubbed the Red Sigma Quadtrilogy for now, follow the agents of the eponymous organization Red Sigma. One of its top agents is a half-Japanese girl named Kitsune, a petite blonde who fights with flames tinted the hue of sakura petals. Her organization, which was founded by her Virginia-born mother who was a CIA agent briefly, targets people the law is either unable or refuses to deal with it efficiently- -by assassinating them. These agents do so in a cleaner matter than the Killer Doll Posse, leaving out the brutality associated with the latter. They are also more on the heroic side, literally protecting the world from danger or destruction. Kitsune also has an older sister who’s really good with a sabre, which extends when swung.

The saga is a still work in progress, but it’s halfway done. I promised you, it’ll answer some of the questions you had about the other characters who started popping up from ‘Sinners and Saints’ afterwards, like, “Who was that cute blonde who shoots pink flames and her emo redheaded friend?”, “Why is Cygnus a clone of himself?” and “When did Rubi become an assassin?”

I actually started on this WAY back in 2006, shortly before the first iPhone was released (man, that’s long ago!). It was supposed to be the story that leads to ‘Angel of Death’ a la ‘Codename Sailor V’, but I switched gears two years later to avenge a fallen character. Over time, the entire literary franchise became retooled into an original, with the names, backstories and some locations being tweaked.

And as for the main series itself, five volumes are now available, with another one about to be announced soon. The synopsis is yet to be formulated, as I’m still editing and preparing it for publication.

I’ll be back soon with another post about this upcoming prequel saga. In the meantime, stay safe out there (and don’t forget to stay hydrated and limit outdoor activity in your areas; that heatwave is killer).


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